Sent by Elijah Delporte on

June 21, 2024

Three Types of Content to Change Your Life

If you've ever wondered:

"What do I post when I'm not dropping a new collection?"

or... "How do I grow a community around the lifestyle I'm selling?"

or... "How do I post about my brand message/lifestyle without going off-brand?"

This is for you...

There are three types of content.

TYPE 1: Product-Focused Content

The objective is to sell your clothing product. Plain and simple.

You talk about product specs, show behind the scenes, lookbooks and studio shoots.

No streetwear brand I've heard of has a problem creating type 1 product-focused content.

However, things get a little sticky when we get to...

TYPE 2: Message-Focused Content

This is the content that has absolutely nothing to do with your product.

The people in the content maybe wearing your branded clothing,

however it's focused on storytelling.

Specifically, stories about your brand message or lifestyle.

And it's THIS kind of content that you can post when you aren't dropping.

TYPE 3: Hybrid

In other words, it's content focused on selling your clothing product with your message in there too.

These posts are like those clothing campaigns with a message behind them.

Or some are less 'messagey' and more lifestyle-focused, if you will.

My point is this:

Use the right combo of these three content forms

and you set yourself up for consistent engagement with your audience

and, subsequently, a customer base of loyal superfans.

Here to help,


P.S. Had a moment where you've felt a little stuck in the past week? Book a free 1-1 strategy call -->

In <20mins, I will give you one practical thing you can implement today to help you get one step closer to your streetwear dreams. And yes, it's really 100% free.

Book your free 1-1 strategy Call now -->

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