Sent by Elijah Delporte on

June 6, 2024


What if CATASTROPHE was a good thing?

At the end of the day, people won't remember your clothing products.

No matter how good your designs are, they will come and go from drop-to-drop.

However, people WILL remember your story.

And every good story has a conflict.

I'd even go as far to say without conflict, there is no story.

At least not a very interesting one.

Here's the thing:

If you're anything like the brand owners I work with, taking your brand message and turning it into a story can be difficult.

Most brands default to telling the story of how they were founded.

But really, your story isn't about how it begun.

It isn't even about you.

It's about your cause.

See if this helps:

Take your brand messaging and catastrophize it.

Imagine a world where your message doesn't exist. I mean, the total opposite for everything you stand for.

For example, if your message is to do with mental health, catastrophizing it would be to imagine a world where everyone is suffering from depression and anxiety.

In the catastrophe is where you will find the conflict for every story you ever tell.

What's your catastrophe?

Hit reply and let me know :)

Here to help,


P.S. I recently started a community of brand owners called Streetwear365 where we bounce ideas like this off of each other all day long. If you're going solo in this fashion game, this is the perfect opportunity to surround yourself by a team without having to hire a team - we can go further and faster together.

It's 100% free to join, so join now:
You've got nothing to lose, only gain. I'll see you on the inside!

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