Sent by Elijah Delporte on

December 18, 2023

Pimp Your Bio

If there isn't a North Star, then where are we going?

It can help to feature your Big Idea

As the first thing a prospect sees

And the North Star for all outputs of your brand.

But don't take my word for it...

Nike's Insta bio goes something like:

Spotlighting athlete* and 👟 stories

Supreme's is simply:


In other words, the culture their clothing represents is established from the outset.

See if this helps:

Adjust your Instagram bio

To communicate the Big Idea or culture behind your brand.

From this point forward

Allow that short phrase to be your North Star

For all future outputs of your brand

The result:

You might reach customers who stick around

Beyond one piece they thought was aesthetically pleasing

As they are loyal to the Idea!



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