Sent by Elijah Delporte on

May 28, 2024

Pieces With Personality

We often see sports brands making clothing inspired and named after sporting legends

because we love the lives they lead

and part of us even wants to be like them.

When we wear their jersey or name on our back, we carry and reflect their identity to the world.

But why is this concept only limited to the world of sports?

Steal this idea:

Find an influencer within your niche and reach out to them with your personal account.

Suggest a collaboration where you design a collection around their persona.

As marketing, create content about who they are, what they believe in, and the elements of their identity that your niche community most identifies with.

See if this helps:

Hey [NAME], long time fan first time messager here. I run a clothing brand called [BRAND NAME] that is growing a community of individuals who strive to/ aspire to be/ identify with [BIG IDEA/ NICHE/ IDENTITY]. I love the message you share on your page and it's something I believe my audience deeply resonates with.

I'm writing to you because I'd love to design a collection around YOU. I don't ask just anyone, only those who I believe have a real positive impact on the community of [NICHE]. We would collaborate on the design process and you would of course receive the finished pieces.

If you're even remotely interested, let me know with a non-committal "yes" or thumbs up and I'll share more details.


Take the ideas from the message and make them your own.

Here to help,


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